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What is Peer Support?

Peer support occurs when people provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social or practical help to each other. It commonly refers to an initiative consisting of trained supporters (although it can be provided by peers without training), and can take a number of forms such as Peer mentoring, reflective listening (reflecting content and/or feelings), or counseling. Peer support is also used to refer to initiatives where colleagues, members of self-help organizations and others meet, in person or online, as equals to give each other connection and support on a reciprocal basis.

Source: Wikipedia

Peer Support Workers speaking...

Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 
Support for the Community 

Why we exist : 

We are passionate about Peer Support.  

The mission of Peer Support Québec is to raise awareness, educate, promote and support Peer Support in all its forms in Québec and elsewhere. 

  • Inform and raise awareness of the population and the various authorities on the various practices and benefits of peer support
  • Promote peer support and accompany the different actors involved
  • Support research and development of peer support in Quebec and elsewhere
  • Develop services and maintain partnerships with organizations
Press Review and Documentation
Careers in Peer Support

News and Current Events

The Peer Support Québec team

Our team is made up of people with various experiential knowledges, of Peer Support Workers, and of  people from various fields interested in Peer Support. Together, we work to develop Peer support for all. Our team reports to the Board of Directors.

You are interested in working with us ? Visit the Careers section.

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Isabelle Henault-Bernier
Peer support Worker, Executive Director

Isabelle coordinates the operations of the organization.

Charles-Albert Morin
Peer Support Worker, Consultant

Charles-Albert is staying on top of scientific developments.

Grace Davis
Peer Support Worker, Consultant

Grace is a consultant for special projects.

Jean-François Pelletier, PhD
Peer Support Worker, Scientific Advisor

Jean-François est spécialiste en activités cliniques pair-aidance dans le réseau de la santé et conseille l'organisation sur les orientations scientifiques.

Michel Turcotte
Peer Support Worker dispatched to the public health system

Michel travaille en dépendance dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux.

Emmanuelle Reid
Peer Support Worker dispatched to the public health system

Emmanuelle travaille en santé mentale adulte dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux.

Jason Paradis
Peer Support Worker dispatched to the public health system

Jason travaille en santé mentale adulte dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux.

Laurence Harvey
Paire aidante affectée au réseau de la santé et des services sociaux

Laurence travaille en dépendance dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux.

Isabelle Leblanc
Peer Support Worker, Consultant

Isabelle travaille dans le réseau de la santé et est consultante pour des projets spéciaux.

Carole Lavoie
Peer Support Worker
, Consultant

Carole travaille dans le réseau de la santé et est consultante pour des projets spéciaux.

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Louis-Philippe Gingras
Peer Support Worker
, Consultant

Louis-Philippe travaille dans le réseau de la santé et est consultant pour des projets spéciaux.

Marie-Ève Vautrin-Nadeau
Peer Support Worker
, Consultant

Marie-Ève est consultante pour des projets spéciaux.

Julia Bene
Peer Support Worker
, Consultant

Julia travaille dans le réseau de la santé et est consultante pour des projets spéciaux.

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Richard Breton
Peer Support Worker
, Consultant

Richard est consultant pour des projets spéciaux.

Happy People
Peer Support Workers

We are working with consulting Peer Support Workers available for contracts, research projects, conferences, training, etc.

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